Dear Colleagues,
Each year, Rice honors members of the university community who have served students through outstanding teaching and instruction. These are important awards that recognize the accomplishments of our faculty and graduate students.
This academic year, we are adding three awards that will focus on the achievements of our faculty in research, scholarship and creative works, as well as mentorship of our doctoral students, who are instrumental in advancing such work. Additional awards — including one to recognize the sustained contribution of many of our faculty members to research, scholarship and creative practice — will be added in the future.
Our faculty’s scholarship has profound impacts on advancing knowledge in their fields and leads to understanding and solving some of the world's most challenging problems. Thus, Rice impacts society through its teaching, service and scholarship, and the addition of these awards to those we already celebrate highlights the importance of faculty scholarship.
A full description of the awards and the nomination process and deadlines can be found below and on the Provost Office website. To apply or nominate a fellow faculty member, click here. Please note that all disciplines are encouraged to apply and/or make nominations, and that self-nominations will be accepted. The awards are as follows:
Outstanding Early-Career Faculty Achievement Award
This award acknowledges up to two faculty members who are within 10 years of their initial faculty appointment and have made significant contributions in research, scholarship and/or creative works. The deadline for nominations is March 1.
Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award
This award can be given to up to two faculty members who have made significant contributions in research, scholarship and/or creative works during the last five years. The deadline for nominations is March 1.
Outstanding Doctoral Advisor
This award will be given to one faculty member in recognition of their doctoral students who completed all degree requirements in the last 10 years. The deadline for nominations is March 1.
I look forward to receiving your nominations and recognizing additional members of our faculty for their contributions to research, scholarship and creative works.
Warm regards,
Provost Amy Dittmar