Dear Rice Community,
Over the past few days, as many of you were returning from fall break, we have heard from anxious and grieving members of the Rice Jewish community and many others about your profound pain, shock and intense fear after the horrific and inhumane terrorist attacks by Hamas in Israel. The shock and emotions these harrowing images, videos and stories evoke leave the Rice community deeply saddened. We denounce the violence.
Rice’s diverse community includes Israelis and Palestinians as valued members. Many among us have friends and family enduring the distressing violence in the region. Therefore, the ongoing turmoil in Israel and the Palestinian territories resonates deeply within our campus, and we anticipate that this pain will persist in the coming months. During this time, our thoughts and support are with all those who are personally impacted by these events.
We are here for you and want to assure you that Rice is a place where you can express your thoughts and feelings freely and know that you will be met with the highest degree of compassion, safety and support. It is important to note that we condemn hate speech and discrimination of any kind, including antisemitism, and that we will not tolerate it.
As an institution of higher learning, we have a duty to have discussions and discourse on topics that are complex and where we understand there is disagreement among members of our community. The history of Israel and Palestine is one of those topics, and we hope to use our deep resources and expertise on campus to bring the community together around these discussions.
As members of the Rice community prepare to mourn and acknowledge the devastating attack on Israel, we encourage you to extend special care and concern to your fellow Owls. Please know that our campus is a safe place to gather and that we are taking enhanced security precautions at this time.
As always, our university support services are available to you, and you can call the Wellbeing and Counseling Center anytime at 713-348-3311, 24/7, if you would like to talk to someone – please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you ever feel personally unsafe on campus, call the Rice University Police Department immediately at 713-348-6000. Staff and faculty seeking support are encouraged to contact Rice’s Employee Assistance Program at 713-500-3327.
Our mission, values and culture of care will be our guide during this time of conflict and sadness. The university administration is committed to supporting you and your needs – as individuals and a community.
Please always reach out with questions and concerns, and remember and take comfort in knowing that – despite the violence, conflict and differences we are witnessing – there is always strength and hope in our shared humanity.
Reginald DesRoches, President
Amy Dittmar, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kelly Fox, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
Bridget Gorman, Dean of Undergraduates
Seiichi Matsuda, Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies